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Petits Fours

  • Fantastic little mouthfuls

  • Rum truffles, coated fruits and liqueur cream cups

  • Selection of petits fours will delight anyone, after dinner or as a gift.
    For a Christmas gift, pack in pretty boxes, but keep in the fridge until the last moment.

  • Liqueur cream cups


    4 oz/l25 g best bitter chocolate, broken into pieces
    knob of butter
    ¼ pint/150 ml double or whipping cream few drops of vanilla essence
    little icing sugar, sieved few teaspoons each of creme de menthe, creme de cassis, grand marnier and apricot or tangerine brandy
    chocolate, grated or flaked, toasted almonds crystallised violets, angelica, to decorate


    Melt the chocolate with the butter in a bowl over a pan of hot water. Stir gently,
    Brush melted chocolate thickly inside the paper cases to make lining,
    Line the cases as thickly as possible. Turn up­side down on a tray to set and chill for 10 minutes. Any excess chocolate will run down onto the baking tray. Trim when firm.
    You may find it necessary to brush on a second coating of chocolate, to give a really firm case. Then chill until really hard for 15-20
    Whip the cream, flavour with a little vanilla and sugar and divide into 2 or 4 bowls. Flavour each with a littIe of a different liqueur
    Carefully peel all the paper of the chocolate cases and place on a tray or plate. Keep cold.
    Pipe or spoon one flavour of cream carefully and neatly into the chocolate cases. Smooth over surface and chill.
    If you prefer you could also spread more melted chocolate over the top so the centres are a surprise - use cooled, melted chocolate. Top with one of the suggested ingredients or just a drizzle of melted chocolate.
    Rum truffles


    4 oz/125 g bitter chocolate
    4 oz/125 g unsalted butter
    5 oz/150 g icing sugar, sieved
    2 tsp/20 ml instant coffee dissolved in I tsp/5 ml rum
    2 oz/50 g sponge crumbs
    2 tbsp/30 ml cocoa powder, sieved


    Melt the chocolate and butter in the microwave on high for 1-2 minutes or in a bowl over a pan of hot water, stir gently.
    Gradually beat in 4 oz/125 g sugar,
    coffee and crumbs until you have a firmish consistency, chill for 30 minutes.
    When mixture is firm, roll into even-sized balls and place on a baking tray. It's important that the mixture is really cold before you shape the truffles
    especially if you have warm hands. Return to fridge
    Coat thickly in sieved cocoa or icing sugar and place in cake cases.
    Keep refrigerated until ready to serve with a selection of other petits fours

    Dipped fruits


    about 1 lb/450 g of strawberries, , maraschino cherries or grapes
    4 oz/125 g best bitter chocolate
    ½ oz/12.5 g unsalted butter


    Clean and dry the fruit very thoroughly, but don't remove hull or stalks.
    Melt the chocolate and butter in the microwave on High for 1-2 minutes, or over a pan of hot water, stirring gently until smooth.
    Cool slightly and dip fruit into chocolate to half coat.
    Cool on greaseproof paper and then place in tiny cases. Sprinkle with icing sugar if you wish.

